Important Information
Thank you for being a part of our ballet school program. We hope that it is an exciting and positive experience for everyone involved! In an effort to eliminate confusion and last-minute questions, please read all information carefully. If you have more than one student please read the rehearsal schedule carefully for each show.
Mark all clothing, ballet slippers, tights, dance bags, etc. with your dancer’s name and phone number. Cache Valley Civic Ballet-School and Whittier Community Center are not responsible for lost or stolen items. Lost items will be place in the Ballet’s Lost and Found in the Dancer's Closet.
The students will be checked in the main lobby of the Whittier for the rehearsal/performance. PLEASE BE ON TIME. Punctuality is a must! Please allow extra time for travel and arrive a little early to the auditorium. Our rehearsals run on time and being late you run the risk of your dancer not being able to rehearse prior to their performance.
Rehearsal/Performance Schedule
Rehearsals are closed to audience members.
We ask that you stay the entire performance. It is very distracting to the dancers (and rude) to have people going and coming throughout the performance. If you must leave early, please inform your dancer’s instructor so arrangements can be made. Please see the below schedule for your dancer’s schedule for the day of the performance.
Please go over the theater policy information below with your dancer so they know what behavior is expected of them. Specifically address those areas in bold. NO FOOD OR DRINKS ARE ALLOWED IN THE AUDITORIUM. Water is the only thing that is acceptable. Please make sure your dancer has had something to eat before they arrive for the rehearsal and performance. See General Theater Policies below.
Tickets for Toddler Year-End Performance are $5 each, sales beginning April 14, 2025. CVCB-School is a non-profit organization and all proceeds go back in to the school to help update venues, flooring, classroom equipment, etc.
Those that do not need a ticket are: Students who are performing in the show, Parent Helpers, and babes in arms.
Toddler SHOW TICKETSIf you have a student(s) performing in multiple shows you will need to purchase tickets to the Toddler Show and then order tickets for the other shows linked in the
Year-End Performance information page.
The Year-End Performance is being recorded and all shows will be on the same Digital Video and available for purchase below:
Male Dancers:
•Wear a white shirt
•Black pants or tights (a dance belt should be worn if wearing tights)
•Black socks (if not wearing tights)
•Black ballet shoes (should have elastics over the arch of the foot).
•Ballet dancers DO NOT wear bows on their shoes. Please knot the drawstrings, trim halfway and tuck them inside the shoe.
•Hair should be neatly combed away from the face and held in place using hairspray/gel/etc.
•No makeup is required for this performance.
Female Dancers:
•Wear their black leotard (NO PANTIES)
•Pink tights (cover their feet)
•Pink ballet shoes (should have elastics over the arch of the foot).
•Ballet dancers DO NOT wear bows on their shoes. Please knot the drawstrings, trim halfway and tuck them inside the shoe.
•Black ballet skirt (if you have one) appropriate for their class. The School does have skirts that can be borrowed (please return these to their instructor) for the performance. Please let your dancer’s instructor know if one is needed.
•Hair must be pulled back in a neat bun with no bangs. Buns should be just below the crown of the head in back. Use lots of hair gel and hair spray to slick back bangs. A hair net over the bun helps keep the fly-away hairs in place. A hair bow will be given to each dancer, so please no extra hair “things” in their hair.
•No makeup is required for this performance. If a dancer wishes they may wear light makeup.
PARENT and backstage HELPERS
Parent Helper: We are asking for two parent helpers per class. These are adults whose job it is to ensure a non-stressful environment for your dancer before and during the performance. They are not babysitters. Please pick up your child promptly. Please keep in mind that these parent helpers are volunteers assigned to help keep your dancer safe, happy, and secure. Please respect them. We encourage you to volunteer. Parent helpers do not need a ticket for the performance. You will be given a credential to get you into the auditorium for helping backstage during the rehearsal and performance. This is a great opportunity to see your dancer and the School of Ballet dancers backstage! Sign up to be a parent helper by filling out the
Parent Helper Form.
Backstage Helpers: We are also looking for helpers for backstage (ticket takers, student checkin, etc). If you are interested in helping that way please fill out this
Backstage Helper Form.
The Whittier Community Center has specific areas we are allowed to use and others we are not. Many different groups use the facility as well as The School. We are guests in the auditorium and must be respectful of the building and all property in it. Parents, siblings, and friends are not allowed backstage, in studios, or in the auditorium during the rehearsal (unless they are parent helpers with the appropriate credentials—which are given the day of the show). No running in the auditorium anywhere and talking should be kept to a minimum when in all common areas.
Thank you for your support! We are so looking forward to seeing our amazing dancers perform at our annual Year-End Performance.
Show Day Rehearsal/Performance Schedule
DATE: Friday, may 16, 2025
•There are no regular class this week, May 12-16, 2025, just rehearsals and performance in the gym.
•Rehearsals run on time, being late you run the risk of your dancer not being able to rehearse in a larger space prior to their performance.
•Students will remain with the classes throughout the rehearsal and performance.
TOD-A (Anna Telford Mon 5:45 PM)
TOD-B (Hannah Covill Mon 10:15 AM)
TOD-C (Hannah Covill Thur 3:45 PM)
TOD-D (Anna Telford Fri 3:00 PM)
10:40 AM
10:50 AM
11:00 AM
11:10 AM
General Theatre Policies
Arrive promptly. Please make sure you find your seat before the performance begins. Traffic and parking can be challenging, so leave home in plenty of time. Those who arrive after curtain time will be seated at the first appropriate break or if necessary, at intermission. Seat locations printed on your tickets are not guaranteed past curtain time. We accept no responsibility for inconvenience to latecomers or people leaving their seats.
Please turn off all Cell phones, Pagers, iPods, MP3 Players, Laptops, etc. prior to entering the theater. Patrons expecting an emergency call are encouraged to leave their phone and seat number with our house manager. Taking photographers or using recording equipment is not allowed in the theater. Copyright laws prohibit photographing without the prior permission of the presenting organization.
Please remain in your seats until the end. The end means the end of the curtain call. When the performance is over, our technicians will turn on the house lights for your safety.
Make this experience enjoyable for others around you by not talking during the performance. Applauding the artists in encouraged, remember the artists can hear you. Thank you for your patronage and theater etiquette!
No eating or drinking is allowed in the theater (except for bottled water). Unlike a movie, which keeps going no matter what noise you make, the actors on stage are distracted by what they hear.
We have no official “dress code” at the theater. Our patrons usually dress in business casual attire or in formal business attire. However, we’d rather you come in casual clothing than not come at all.