Member and/or his/her guardian release and discharge the Cache Valley Civic Ballet, its respective agents, affiliates, officers, directors, and employees from any and all liability, claims, demands, actions, and causes of action whatsoever arising out of or related to any loss, damage or injury, that may be sustained by the undersigned while participating in the Cache Valley Civic Ballet Company.
Dress Code
Female dancers: black leotards, pink tights, and pink ballet shoes (a black skirt is optional).
Pointe: If the dancer has not already advanced onto pointe, they are required to take any scheduled pointe/variations classes for their level in technique (flat) shoes. No student is allowed to advance onto pointe during a summer session.
Male dancers: black pants, white shirt, black socks, and black ballet shoes.
Hair: Both female and male dancers must have hair pulled neatly away from their face and off their shoulders. Dancers with longer hair should have it securely fastened in a bun with plenty of hairspray and pins to prevent any potential distractions.
Students may choose to wear what they are most comfortable in.
If you have a pair of tap shoes you can wear them, but they are not required. Regular hard-soled loafers will be fine.
Youth American Grand Prix (YAGP) is the world's largest global network of Dance. It fulfills its dance education mission through scholarship auditions, master classes, alumni services, education and outreach activities, performances, and films.
YAGP Mission statement:
To support and develop world-class dancers ages 9-19, of all economic, ethnic, and geographic backgrounds by providing scholarship auditions, performance, and education opportunities, and by serving as the global network of dance, connecting students, teachers, schools, dance companies, dancers, and audiences.
The CVCB will offer the opportunity for up to six dancers to be sponsored by the CVCB and to represent the CVCB at the 2023 YAGP Performances. These dancers will be selected by the company director and rehearsal assistants during solo auditions to be held following company auditions. These dancers should have one classical ballet variation ready to perform in leotards with their music on the same day as the CVCB auditions. Dancers interested in representing the company can sign up for this audition simultaneously as they register for the CVCB company audition on the website.
Punctuality is essential. If a student is more than 10 minutes late for class, he/she will be asked to observe the class rather than dance.
Gum chewing is not permitted in class.
Instructors should be notified if a student must leave early or will not attend a class.
Students are advised to wait for their ride inside the building and to wear street clothing over leotards and tights when coming or leaving class.
Parents are responsible for students before and after classes.
Parents and non-enrolled students are not permitted in classrooms during instruction time.
No refunds will be issued after May 31. Payment is due in full upon registration. Registration for the full 10 day intensive only (no discounts will be offered for missed days). Once registered, attendance is required for all classes.
Lunch is NOT provided, so please bring a home lunch. Parents are welcome to deliver lunch during the time provided if necessary. Please limit snacking in-between classes. If your child has a life-threatening food allergy, please let the administration know in advance. We will do our best to provide a safe atmosphere.
Your dancer is responsible for cleaning up after themselves at the end of the day. Here is a great link if you’re unfamiliar with etiquette in the dance studio.