Vivian Taylor began her technical ballet training more than 25 years ago. The larger part of her performing years have been with Cache Valley Civic Ballet, dancing roles such as Sugar Plum Fairy in Nutcracker, Lilac Fairy in Sleeping Beauty and Godmother to Cinderella. She has also enjoyed the opportunity to perform with Dance West, Cache Community Theatre, Festival of the American West, African Drum and Dance, and Valley Dance Ensemble. Her diverse background in movement enables her to approach performing arts with a broad perspective and enjoys being invited to Choreograph for CVCB company members in their annual showcase. Her most influential instruction has been under Sandra Emile, Maggie Moar, Marsha Knight and Jan Jacobsen. Her most recent experiences have involved taking classes from Ballet West company members, participating in an AileyII master class and training in the Progressing Ballet Technique. Vivian is also a STOTT Pilates certified instructor and continues to teach and train in the method. She is passionate about helping people cultivate a love and appreciation for movement. She hopes to educate students not only in technique, but help them evolve into artists.